Born sometime in 2007 or the spring of 2008
Died on April 20, 2024

We are sad to announce that we had to put Teyla to sleep on April 20, 2024 at the approximate age of 16 or 17 due to complications from a head tumor.

She came to us as a stray in December of 2008. I was sitting on the couch one morning drinking coffee, and as I was looking out the window, I noticed a cat walk down the road, turn down our driveway, walk right up to our front door and start to meow. We have a number of stray cats from the farm across the road venture over into our woods from time to time, but I had never seen this one before. When we put food outside for her to eat, she immediately wanted to be picked up and held. It was obvious that she was someone's cat and had been abandoned, because she was small like a kitten, but the vet said she already had her adult teeth which put her at 1 to 2 years old. She was small because she was starving. We speculate that this was during the housing crash with a lot of abandoned properties in the area, and she must have been left behind to fend for herself. Normally the barn cats from across the road are skittish and not so quick to let you approach or allow you to pick them up. Teyla was looking for a new home.

Teyla immediately fell in love with Mushi and was always seen sleeping wrapped in his arms. There was competition between her and Bijou who also loved to cuddle with Mushi. After Mushi died, Teyla had no other cats that wanted to cuddle with her. When Gregg and Cheryl's cat Puddles stayed with us for a while, Teyla tried to make friends with her, but Puddles wasn't having it. In August of 2023 when we got our two new kittens Kodiak and Kenai, we thought maybe Teyla would want to cuddle with them, which she started to do, but the kittens were too rowdy and kept playing with her tail, which irritated her.

Teyla was otherwise a very playful cat, (if you didn't mess with her tail). Even as an old kitty, she was interested in playing with things. In the video above, the last scene of her batting at the toy was taken just a few days before she died.

It is always hard to let someone you love go. Teyla was a very special member of our family and will be greatly missed.

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